Remembering Light Language

4 week (1:1) Private mentoring to develop your channeling abilities through Higher Self merge

(4 x 90mins) Online (Zoom) 

$444 for the 4 weeks

Next available month: November 2023  

Contact Francine to arrange the time/dates of your Deep Remembrance

The Invitation.

Learn to channel Light Language in this immersive and practical mentoring program. You will be safe, seen, heard and held as you explore, expand and reconnect with your natural multidimensional channeling abilities. Reconnect with your unique and ancient gifts, your Soul mission, galactoc origins and your Family of Light. 

To unlock your Light Language, the non-verbal communication of your soul, we will delve in to the journey of your soul. You are unique: your energetic signiture, your energetic requirements and the threads of Light you are weaving as a soul. Therefor, this course is a private mentoring course. We will focus purley on you and the unveiling of all you are. 

Learn Light Language with Francine of the Blue Ray
Light Langauge - 5D communication


TheSacred Voice

Remembering Light Language:

Light language is is a spiritual and energetic technology that utilizes sacred sounds, symbols, and codes to communicate and transmit non-linear information at a higher vibrational level. It serves as a bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind, facilitating healing, transformation, and awakening on a multidimensional level.


What you’ll learn

  • Energetic Body Upgrades for Light Body Embodiment
  • Open your Sacred Voice and channel Light Langauge.
  • Access and channel the Language of Light (Spoken, written, sung)
  • Learn how to translate Light Language.
  • Deepen your relationship with your Guidance Teams and Family of Light
  • By the end of the course, you will speak, sing, write, and sign Light Language.
  • Learn how to integrate Light Language to your every day reality
  • Channel Light Language for Self-Healing.
  • Be a clear conduit of Light and Love for Gaia
  • Experience the quantum field for accessing your light codes. 
  • Re-remember the higher consciousness of your Divine Essence and anchor it into your every day reality.

Remembering Lemuria with Light Language

Deep remembrance mentoring with Francine Commeignes

What is Light Langauge?

 Light Language is a form of communication that goes beyond spoken or written words, tapping into the realm of energy and vibration. It is a sacred and universal language that connects directly to the heart and soul. It iss Aldi a technology that can be used for many purposes. 

Light language is also a technology that is non linear and can be used in your every day reality in many ways. It is a unique form of channeling that can be a significant indicator of your ascension progress and also a powerful tool or technique for your Deep Remembrance. .  

You are not material, although it seems that you are. You are frequency and vibration. The higher frequencies interlok with the material by flowing through the multidimensional  ‘channel’ or chakra colum, which in turn interlaces the physical organs of the body. Sound, whether it be words, tone, song or Light language, can be used to vibrate the body into a higher vibration, especially when combined with sacred intention. 

The Great Return and birthing a new planetary consciousness

Gaia is rising and you are awakening! As you embrace the natural and organic expansion of your true nature, you reconnect with the remembrance of your wholeness, rediscovering your ancient abilities and connections to All. Freeing yourself from old patterns, the new Earth reflects your alignment and increasing awareness back to you. 

Beyond this physical reality, we are gently urged to tap into our multidimensional gifts and abilities. The Language of Light is an ancient technology that is readily available for you to remember. As you start to explore this ancient form of communication, it opens the door ever wider to many other gifts , abilities and remembrances. 

It is your divine inheritance to connect with your original blueprint of Divinity and bring forth its wisdom. You’re not alone! Your Higher Self and Divine Guidance Team are ever present and ready to assist the Deep Remembrance of your True Nature. If you are ready to remember, I invite you to walk with me for this 4 week immersive and practical program. Together we will unlock your heart’s desire and birth a whole new awareness of the master of Love you truly are. And we will have fun doing it!

My Light Language Journey

My journey with Light Language began spontaneously during an angelic Reiki activation. Initially, I was unsure of what it was, but it naturally flowed from that moment, revealing itself as a beautiful awakening technology. This technology allowed me to communicate energetically with all life.

After moving to the US, I encountered various aspects of Light Language. I took a course with Jamye Price in Sedona to enhance my abilities. There, I connected with others who were also exploring Light Language, both online and in person.

Over the years, I discovered the transformative power of Light Language. It became a tool for self-activating my 5D and 6D light body templates and for communicating with Beings of Light, aiding in Earth stewardship. Language, as sound, moves energy; when sound is combined with intention, energetic shifts occur.

As Light Language emerged naturally during moments of activation, healing, and integration, I realized its versatile applications. I returned to Sedona to further explore my abilities with Jamye Price, where I met other starseeds. We formed a weekly group to share Light codes and frequencies for ourselves and for the collective.

In time, I learned to tune into the messages and intentions of Light Language, spontaneously translating them during public transmissions. Now, I use Light Language to clear, align, unveil, and command energies for the highest good as a sovereign Being of Light. I am eager to share this knowledge with you and teach you everything I have learned.

Deep Remembrance private mentoring with Francine Commeignes

This is a private mentoring program for special attention on your unique spiritual evolution, gifts and abilities and personal intentions. This is fast becoming a very popular class so please book early. 

Contact Francine

Contact Francine for all inquiries

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