The Journey Home.
The Return
Many Lightworkers have experienced the profound sensation of being ‘pregnant’ with their own rebirth—an initiation into a new state of being. This is not a physical pregnancy but a sacred process of transformation, where the old self dissolves and the new self emerges, luminous and whole. It can feel as though one is birthing not only themselves but an entirely new reality—the New Earth—a world aligned with higher consciousness, love, and unity. This phenomenon echoes ancient mystical rites of death and rebirth, the alchemical process of transmutation, and the labor pains of awakening.
For as long as humanity has sought meaning, we have turned our gaze upward—to the heavens, the stars, the unknown. Yet, the greatest journey has never been outward, but inward. Across all great spiritual traditions, from the sacred scriptures of the East to the mystical revelations of the West, a singular truth echoes: our path is one of return, a spiral leading us back to Source.
The Return is a visual journey—an oracle deck that serves as both guide and mirror for the soul’s path. Each painting is a portal, an invitation to remember who we truly are beyond the veil of illusion. Through these images, we explore the universal stages of awakening, from descent into matter to the ascent toward unity.
The Descent and The Return
The human experience is one of forgetting and remembering. We are born into the physical realm, veiled in illusion, bound by time, karma, and the limitations of the material world. Yet, within us burns an unquenchable spark—the Higher Self, the Divine Presence—that longs for reunification with its source.
The first half of our journey is The Descent—the soul’s movement into density, experience, and separation from its origin. It is mirrored in myths such as the fall of Adam and Eve, the exile of the Prodigal Son, and the fragmentation of Osiris. This stage represents the soul’s immersion in the world of form, where it encounters suffering, duality, and the trials necessary for growth.
The second half is The Return—the conscious awakening of the soul, the path of self-mastery, and the steps back toward divine unity. This path is encoded in the lives of Jesus, Buddha, and other enlightened masters who have demonstrated the rites of initiation—baptism, transfiguration, crucifixion of the ego, resurrection, and ultimate ascension.
Each card in this deck corresponds to a step in this sacred journey. Drawing a card is more than an act of divination—it is a reflection of where you are in your unfolding, offering guidance, insight, and a deeper connection to the wisdom that already resides within you.
A Return to Essence
But what are we truly returning to? Beyond the grand spiritual journey, The Return is also a return to what is most essential in our everyday lives—the innocence we knew in childhood, the love we feel for those closest to us, the compassion and kindness we extend to others. It is a return to simplicity, to presence, to a way of being where the illusion of separation dissolves and only unity remains.
The paintings within this deck are more than images; they are invitations. Each one carries a frequency, a message, a key. They do not merely depict spiritual concepts but embody the lived experience of the soul—its trials, its dark nights, its luminous revelations. Whether used for daily insight, meditation, or deep spiritual exploration, The Return is a reminder:
The path has always been within.
This is The Return.
The Initiations
Acrylic on canvas. 24″ x 36”
Without beginning there is only One. And the One is Love.
Through Love’s grace, the Dreaming of the heart-seed was Light-conceived and received into the void that is the Cosmic Mother’s womb.
As she breathed in, her cosmic love flowed to a new, emerging consciousness. As she breathed out, the seed that is life, expanded inwards, fractal upon fractal, petal upon petal, spiraling into denser and denser versions of itself. Unfolding the tapestry of the divine plan through the blueprint of its own true nature.
Hearing the beat of its own heart, the one within the one, that was the one, dreamed its own dream. As without, so within. The Dreamer’s seeds scattered into the Garden of Life: the life of rhythm and cycles and matter and form. As her children moved further into the dream, they took many paths, way leading to way. Unaware of the flaming flower that had lead them in and would lead them out. They forgot. Although they were born of the Light, they found themselves in darkness, so that the shadow of the light may be known. Regardless of the forgetting, the flower cradled them. Safeguarding the dormant seeds until their return.
Acrylic on canvas. 24” x24”
In divine wisdom the rainbow snake and the tribe of many colors was sent forth with the starborn. It would hold the Knowing and rise according to the procession of the stars, until that which was above was aflame below and within. All would rise with the serpent.
To remind them, the cosmic Mother whispered into the blowing winds, the flowing waters, the crackling fires and the porous rock of her own body temple. Gently she whispered for ears that could hear and eyes that could see:
“Wherever you go, no matter how far you fall, I will find you, and I will remind you, of love..
You heart is the gateway to my own.
You were never abandoned.
For in truth you never left.”
Soular return
Acrylic on canvas. 24” x24”
Listen beloved children of The One Light. The first born, the first breath, the first love. You of many Lights in One! Do you hear the call? It is the Great Mother calling you Home.
And listen, they did. When all seemed lost and adrift on the island of the Lord of the Flies, they turned their heads and listened.
As a whisper at first, and through the hum of the birds, the buzz of the bees. They learned to use the rays of the sun to gather the nectar and make their own threads. They jumped like spiders on the rings of the golden web. All spiraling back home.
They called back into themselves, all that they themselves had created: the many threads in the tapestry of life.
And the time came when the children awoke from the dream.
And they began to re-member.
Their memories were reflected through the solid rock and the uncatchable movement of the wind. The rivers flowed once again and their vessels filled with the clear waters of Life. It reminded them of the birth waters and they recalled their Mother’s embrace. Her eyes peered back at them through nature’s lens: the unified eye/I of Love.
The return to Innocence
Acrylic on canvas. 24” x24”
It was the time of the Great Return. The return of the Living Light codes. The return of the Deep Remembrance and the Knowing of the stardust they were made of. The return of the records. The return of the knowledge and the wisdom held in the garden of Life.
The Return to innocence and grace.
Through the records they Returned to the knowing of the One. In the time before confusion when the language of love was spoken through the heart and there was no distortion by the river of Babylon. They remembered they were many in One and One in many and they remembered The Way Home.
And all at once, they became.
They became the birthing of a new consciousness. The most ordinary things were pregnant with the extraordinary quality of the Oneness. They were the laboring breath, the contracting womb, the seed within it, and the birth canal itself. They were the midwives, assisting the birth. They were the newborn babe, blinking and breathing the new breath.
The first breath,
the first born,
the first love.
Gaia Rising
Together We Rise!
24” x 30” Acrylic on canvas
The tribes of many colors re-membered, and their differences were forgotten.
For as many they had grown in wisdom, and as One they rose from the bondage of night.
A unified field: One in many and many in One.
The children of many colors became the white ascension flame and crowned themselves in the glory of peace.
At last the great serpent unfurled herself from where she slept. Revealed the wings of a golden rainbow dragon.
She took flight, through planetary, solar and cosmic heights, breathing in eternity’s Light. And all took flight with her. Within her. As her. Rising through and beyond the flower of life.
The Cosmic Mother smiled and opened her emerald heart as the sons and daughters of the Living Light had Returned. Cradled in love and Crowned in the gory of the kingdom of Peace. Songs were sung of courage and of victory. For they had entered the darkness and brought in the Light and Now they had returned.
As One
And it was done.
Dedicated in divine love and honor: Adi Shakti
Ohm Peace, Peace, Peace, Ohm
Francine of the Blue Ray
The Rainbow Child
The Return of the Seraphim
The final stage of your initiation is to BECOME the pure state of your true nature. That which you have birthed is a gift for unique the world.
(See Beacons of Light)
24” x 30” Acrylic on canvas
Contact Francine
Contact Francine for all inquiries