Celebrating Ascension with the masters and Goddess
Beacons of Light is a series of Spirit-assisted ‘Living Light’ portraits that anchor the divine energies of Ascended Masters, who shine a light on our path and the Goddess, who reflects our divinity back to us. Each painting bridges us to their presence and divine qualities which we can cultivate, guiding us inward to the heart and the transformative power of love.
Each luminous Being offers a spiritual gifts to support our ascension journey and honor the sacred partnership between humanity and the unseen forces assisting the true, organic ascension within the Law of One. Copyright 2025. (see below)
Mother Mary
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 36″
Mother Mary is the Divine Master of the Healing Ray of God. Her infinite and expansive cosmic heart intimately understands our journey of ascension. Through this painting, Mother Mary brings forth the white lily which carries the codes of your rebirth in purity and joy. She is letting us know that we are now ready to walk in our highest and purest inspiration with pristine crystalline focus. Read the full transmission here: Mother Mary Blog Post

Original Oil on Canvas 22″ x 28″
Seated on her throne, Cybele embodies the Mountain Goddess—commanding, immovable, and sovereign over the material and divine. Her crimson robe flows like fire, symbolizing life’s creative force, while cool blues evoke wisdom and serenity. Flanked by lions with blazing golden manes, she bridges wild freedom and regal mastery, urging us to reconnect with our untamed nature.
In her hands, a frame drum beats with the rhythm of creation—the pulse of life that ties us to earth and stars. Cybele calls us to align with nature’s cosmic dance while embracing our individuality and inner power.
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 30″
Gaia, the mother of Earth, offers her exquisite beauty and divine love to all who answered her cosmic call. WIthin her body temple, she holds the knowing, the codes and the memories for the ascension cycle, including all of the root races and all the elemental, deva and nature spirits. She watches over all in a loving embrace, holding space for the time when the butterfly emerges. Until that time, she demonstrates the universal laws and the divine principle of Growth, order and destruction. Offering nature’s gifts as nourishment, as teacher, as mirror.
Paul the Venetian
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 36″
Paul heralds the New Renaissance of high spiritual consciousness. He offers a perfect rose of beauty and truth. This rose reminds you to choose to see the beauty, harmony and magnificence in yourself and all life. Paul is asking us to make friends with life. Surrender into your divine essence that radiates your Authentic and true self. ….and to slow down to smell the roses.
“Hand to heart, I offer you this rose and I bow to the light and beauty you are.” Pau the Venetian assists you to anchor order, harmony, peace and balance into your being. As you take the sacred pink rose, you affirm that you are ready to receive the remembrance of your inner beauty so that you stand steady and stable on earth.
Paul comes from the planet Venus, the planet of pure love. His essence is deeply loving and playful. Paul offers the rose as a gift for your heart. Perfect beauty and the smell of God’s sweet fragrance. Take a moment to let go of all distraction and smell the rose. Let its beauty seep into the crevices of your illusion. Let the fragrance fill every pore and cell so that you may remember love and joy and beauty which is always available to you, when you refocus and choose to see with eyes to see. Choose love, Choose to see the beauty in all things and in all people.
Original Oil on Canvas 30″ x 40″
Sekhmet holds yo steady with her gaze, inviting you to go deep and find your authentic voice.
Sekhmet is the ancient Egyptian lion-headed feminine face of the sun, whose name means “Power” or the “Mighty One.” Here we see Sekhmet looking directly at the viewer. Holding your gaze. Steadying you with her immense power and strength. Sekhmet is inviting you to be authentically you! – to be totally and completely Self Empowerment. You have Sekhmet’s presence and focussed attention as you consider what you truly want and who you truly want to Be. She helps you step up with courage and step in to the Walking Master you are now ready to Be. To find the true authentic self, she will help you let go of all that does not serve you.And she will help reveal your inner Sacred Sage so you can be seen, heard and known as you truly are.
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 36″
Anna, the grandmother of Jesus, offers a you wise counsel. Take a seat by her at the wellspring to bring your empty vessel and fill up with the pure crystal waters of life
Your loving cosmic mother is leading you to the eternally flowing waters of life and Anna is here to help you draw up from the wellspring within. She offers a helping hand so you may sit peacefully with the innocence and purity of the lamb until your true nature is revealed.
Mary Magdalene
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 30″
Mary Magdalene_ Keeper of the Mysteries PRINT
The Ascended Master Magdalene_ Keeper of the Mysteries PRINT
This piece portrays her spiritual mastery as a guide, teacher, and embodiment of the Feminine Christ. The title reflects her role in uplifting humanity’s ability to embody divine will and the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit—helping us become radiant vessels of love, wisdom, and power.
Her halo at the crown chakra symbolizes Higher Self activation, while her cloak recalls both Jesus’ teachings and Lady Nada’s Sixth Ray of unconditional love, compassion, and selfless service. She holds the Holy Grail at her heart, radiating divine love and wisdom, with a rose inviting us to walk the Rose Path—a journey of awakening through the divine feminine.
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 36″
The Seraphim are in the highest order of celestial beings. In the hierarchy of angels, they are the highest ranking and in the inner circle from the Creator. Their incredible love is beyond measure.
In this painting, the Seraphim come as ONE combined Being of Light to offer a blessing of grace on your path of ascension. Their energy ir diamond, gold and crystalline rainbow colours. Use this blessing to activate a deep inner child healing, and with it a change in your genetic coding. Call on your Higher Self to upgrade, recalibrate and reprogram your DNA into its golden diamond rainbow body. As you increase your Rainbow Light-body, you increase your ability to love and be loved and to perceive your deepest truth.
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 36″
Brigid, the celtic triple goddess of Imbolc: the first stirrings of spring in the darkness of winter. Her emerald Green dress merges as One with the Emerald hills of Mother Earth. The solar rays of the rising sun kiss her fertile body as she gazes gently into your eyes.
She heralds new beginnings and shines dawning light on all good tidings. She also assist you to let go of endings. Burning off and releasing old stations as you skip into higher and higher expressions of yourself, and let yourself bloom. She gently pats the pregnant eternal moment of your ever-expanding transformation. Ripe with the infinite potential of your soul’s burning desire to rise like fire. As the mother of Spring, she offers budding wild flowers as a promise of what is to come. In Brigid’s hand is the element of fire to warm your heart and spark your passion. Passion within expressed without through your dance, your song, your poetry and writing and artistic gifts. She encourages you to share the passion and fire of your heart. To open your heart and home to others so they may also discover the fire within themselves. Dwell in Brigid’s divide Presence and feel the warmth of your own heart emulate to All.
The Divine Mother
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 36″
The Divine Mother, holding the Knowing of The Plan, cradling the cosmic womb for the birthing of a new consciousness.
She cradles her cosmic womb, represented by the Flower of Life: the ascension matrix for the starborn adventurers. and wanderers. This was formed as the template by wich all life would bloom according to the universal laws and the procession of the equinoxes. It is the road map to the true and organic ascension is held in the unfolding mysteries of this sacred geometry. How you came in will be how you return. Each petal would come to its essence and take its path along the tree of life, blooming and spiraling outwards and away. Then, according to the procession of the equinox it would pause at the zero point between the in breathe and the outbreath. Then starts the return as all creation is called back into itself. Back to its Creator. All energy slides back down the veins of the branches, and up from the smallest tendril roots, in, in, to the heart of the trunk where it is divinitised once again.
With a gentle flowing movement, the Divine Mother spins the template counter clockwise to open the Great Work. This movement heralds the return of the Divine Mother’s Love, no longer excluded, no longer forgotten.
Kali MA
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 36″
MaHa Kali offers the sword of destruction in order to cut off the head of your ego and rise (unleash) as the angelic kundalini dragon within.
Goddess Kali” comes like a tornado, as a powerful catalyst of great change. She offers the sword of destruction. With it you can cut off the head of your ego and unleash the angelic kundalini dragon within. KAli is wild and free but she also represents the balance of wisdom and love. A fierce love for self and other selves balanced with wisdom. When in balance, your body and electromagnetic field is able to hold more and more light. You are able to BE the activity of Pure light consciousness in manifestation. You rise above the ego and step into your mastery.

Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 36″
Lakshmi sways into your life to assist a graceful flow into abundance on all levels of your Being. Standing beside her beloved Ganesh, they bear gifts of good fortune and joyful grace.
Invite the goddess of wealth into your spiritual space, allowing her gentle energy to attract prosperity, blessings, and a harmonious flow of abundance onto your sacred journey.
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 36″
AnubisComes to you on The river of life’s eternal flow to offer the key to the hals of remembrance.
Anubis, the jackal headed god of death, greets you at the entranceway of the Halls of Amenti, the womb of the world. Anubis stands on the eternally flowing River of LIfe, along which he guards and guides the dead. In his left hand he holds the Scepter of mastery over Life and death, and with his right hand he offers you the Key to your Deep Remembrance. The Golden (Christ Consciousness) Key to your memories of Eternal life. The golde key is an invitation and a promise. If you choose to take the key, then starts a new cycle of freeing your soul from the bondage of the Earth plane and the cycles of rebirth.

Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 30″
Ixchel: The Keeper of Cycles and Flow
The capacity to embrace the rhythms of life, flowing with change and harmonizing with the cosmic cycles of creation and renewal.
Ixchel: The Mayan goddess of the moon, medicine, and fertility, Ixchel guides us to embrace the ebb and flow of life. She teaches us to harmonize with the cycles of creation, honoring both the light and shadow within. Her nurturing energy encourages the healing of body, mind, and spirit, empowering us to align with our intuitive wisdom.
The capacity to embrace the rhythms of life, flowing with change and harmonizing with the cosmic cycles of creation and renewal.
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Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 30″
Hathor, a divine mother principle from Egypt, radiates her love of music, dance, and maternal care. With Hathor’s warm and unwavering gaze upon you, feel the steady embrace of her benevolent power, inviting you to embrace self-love and authenticity. With the multidimensional Hathor Beings she serenades your soul, reminding you to be kind to yourself and gentle with your progress.
To assist you on your journey, Hathor offers you the golden egg of your deep remembrance. As you take the precious egg, you are saying “YES” to thriving in your mastery. The egg is symbolic of New Life and the frequencies of the Universe within. Your Golden Light codes are ready to be cracked open and shared. Listen as she guides you into your own Knowing of of unity and love.
St Francis
Original Oil on Canvas 24″ 30″
Beloved Saint Francis of Assisi, is painted here with the Australian fairy wrens because when I started to connect with him, I was at the Sydney National Park. In this painting, he is pondering the horizon, as fairy wrens fly around and upon him. The painting was created to remind us that every day is an occasion to imitate Christ and to contemplate and develop a little more of the Christ consciousness.”
Francis was a soul aspect of the ascended master Kuthumi. During this incarnation, Saint Francis’ love knew no bounds. His love and enthusiasm drew many to him, even the winged and animal beings. He lived life of complete and innocent surrender to God. He was blessed with a deep connection to all life.He celebrated life and his enthusiasm reminded others to celebrate life also, with joy and humility and generosity of heart. His simple, childlike nature reminded people to be simple and childlike and filled with awe. By being his true self, he moved mountains on Earth and continues to touch and inspire herearts.
Original Oil on Canvas 30″ x 40″
Archangel Uriel holds a flaming ruby orb of unconditional love for you to take and hold as your own.
A gift, and a promise, for the Lightworkers. The ruby ray is an intense and holy love that is developed through the path of pure love, selflessness, and service to uplift all. Trust in your Creator to hold you as you surrender to higher love so that you may allow the truth of your Sacred Heart to shine in this world and fulfill your destiny. This sacred golden ruby fire is unquenchable in its ability to inspire faith and optimism for all you are and all you offer.

Original Oil on Canvas 24″ x 30″
Bring Durga, the divine Mother principle into our home and heart to hold your family safe and lift the frequency of your sacred-space. Durga offers you all of her spiritual tools and protection. Durga is a principle aspect of the Hindu Mother Goddess Mahadevi. Durga embodies the divine fusion of fierce protection and nurturing love on your spiritual journey. As you gaze upon her astride a majestic tiger, feel the warmth of her all-seeing eyes piercing through dimensions, offering swift defense against both visible and unseen obstacles. Let this sacred depiction be your guide, inviting the powerful energy of Durga to foster fearlessness, authenticity, and inner strength, ensuring a harmonious and protected passage on your spiritual path.
With Durga, one embarks on a sacred quest, where she keeps pace during inner work, offering a watchful presence. In moments of danger, she obliterates threats and distractions with laser focus and lightening speed.
Choose from 3 Print Options (chose size at checkout)

High-quality,Ultra-Smooth matte giclee PAPER PRINT with 1/2″ border, in protective acrylic sleeve. MArchival (acid-free) paper and inks.
Alter size prints come flat on foamback board. Poster prints come rolled in shipping tube. Canvas prints come in thick protective cardboard packaging.
FINE ART GICLEE PAPER PRINT High-quality, museum grad (archival, acid-free) ULTRA-SMOOTH paper print, shipped in protective acrylic sleeve.
All Original Blue Ray Paintings have been professionally scanned for Ultra-High HDR resolution ‘true color’ prints. Then each Blue Ray Painting is printed on durable, museum grade (acid-free) fine art paper with a ultra smooth matte finish (to enhance the clarity and detail of the print) that has a soft velvet-like feel.
SHIPPING flat rate for each country depending on local costs which will be added at checkout. Tracking is available once printing has been fulfilled and shipped (1-5 business days).
THE ARTIST: Francine Commeignes is an Australian visionary artist who loves in the US. She paints bold and colorful acrylic and oil paintings to activate a deep remembrance of our multidimensionality and divine Higher Self. https://youtu.be/vKL1HarfSRk
Contact Francine
Contact Francine for all inquiries